
Setting the Standard for Investigative Journalism

Over the next decade, the Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ-Malawi) aims to establish itself as a leader in setting standards for investigative journalism, with a particular emphasis on achieving significant milestones within the first five years. Our strategic objectives include:

Our primary goal is to become the pace-setters in investigative journalism, mainly focusing on reporting that promotes accountability and transparency. A significant area of our work will involve exposing corruption and wrongdoings, especially within the public sector.
We are committed to promoting and upholding the public’s right to know. This will be achieved through our training and mentoring programs targeted at media practitioners in Malawi, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary for compelling investigative journalism.
Building solid networks is critical to our mission. We will collaborate with investigative journalists and organizations within Malawi and internationally, fostering a global community of investigative journalists
Recognizing the challenges in investigative journalism, PIJ-Malawi will offer technical assistance and small grants to journalists and media organizations. This support aims to enable investigative projects that can have a significant societal impact.
A crucial part of our work will involve campaigning for the information rights of investigative journalists and advocating for the revision of media-unfriendly laws. We aim to create a more conducive legal environment for journalistic work in Malawi
We aim to act as a central resource for investigative journalism practice in Malawi, offering guidance, sharing best practices, and providing a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences. Through these objectives, PIJ-Malawi is dedicated to shaping the landscape of investigative journalism in Malawi and contributing to a more informed and transparent society..

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