PIJ Goal

PIJ Malawi: Shaping the Future of Investigative Journalism

The Platform for Investigative Journalism (PIJ-Malawi) is steadfast in its mission to guarantee a robust and uncompromised future for investigative journalism in Malawi and beyond. We aim to mould journalism graduates into serious, credible investigative journalists who can effectively hold power to account through impactful stories.

Key Objectives of PIJ-Malawi:

We are dedicated to leading and setting the highest standards in investigative journalism reporting. We focus on promoting accountability and transparency, primarily by exposing corruption and other wrongdoings.
At the core of our mission is promoting and upholding the public’s right to know. This is achieved through our comprehensive training and mentoring programs designed for media practitioners in Malawi.
We actively collaborate with investigative journalists and organizations both within Malawi and internationally. This network facilitates the sharing of resources, ideas, and experiences, thereby enriching the practice of investigative journalism globally
Recognizing the challenges in investigative reporting, we provide technical assistance and small grants to journalists and media organizations embarking on investigative projects.
Through training seminars, exchange programs, fellowships, and on-the-job training, we aim to enhance the investigative skills of young, aspiring journalists
We campaign for the information rights of investigative journalists and advocate for revising media-unfriendly laws, ensuring a more conducive environment for journalistic work.
PIJ-Malawi is dedicated to becoming a resource institution for investigative journalism in the country, offering a platform for sharing ideas and experiences to increase interaction among journalists. Through these endeavours, PIJ-Malawi is nurturing a new generation of investigative journalists and contributing significantly to the growth of a more informed and democratic society.

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